Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wellness Vs. Medical Industry

Wellness Industry VS. Medical Industry. Don't get the two confused. The
two industries are completely different except that sadly the Medical
Industry generates just as many billions of dollars annually as the
Wellness Industry. The Medical Industry generates billions off of you
getting sick, unlike the Wellness Industry which generates billions from
preventative medicines and programs.

The good news is that the Wellness Industry is making larger leaps every
year. One of the most recent leaps is GeneWize: A company that delivers
each person their customized nutrition based on nutrigenomics.
Nutrigenomics is the science of nutrition and genetics. YES that's right
GeneWize has developed an innovative supplement that is specific to your
health based of your DNA.

What do these new exciting leaps in the Wellness Industry mean for you?
Opportunity! This allows you to achieve optimal health WHILE achieving
optimal wealth. GeneWize is life changing business education committed
to teaching you the blueprint of success from online marketers WHILE
providing your body with unsurpassed nutrition. Do your business and
health a favor and click below to learn more.

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